by Benj | May 16, 2022 | Newsletter
LUXURY TROPHY FISHING SOUTH ANDROS Bahamas Stalking tailing bonefish is a top choice for most well-traveled anglers, and best of the best is found surrounding South Andros island; the most productive flats in the Bahamas. FUTALEUFÚ Chile Tenth Region of Chile, flows...
by Benj | Apr 21, 2022 | Blog, Newsletter
Argentina is Wide Open NO Vaccinations Required! Patagonia Red Stag hunts filling fast for 2023 Duck, Dove, or Combo Hunts and Trophy Golden Dorado SOLO Access to 3 Private Dove Roosts for High Volume Wing Shooting Stag 8,000 private hunting acres surrounded by...
by Benj | Aug 16, 2021 | Blog, Newsletter
Place for women who love American values and traditions, who are patriotic and want to travel to see all the wonderful places this country has to offer. SAN ANGELO, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, July 28, 2021 / — Gage Outdoor Expeditions (A Premier...
by Benj | Jun 8, 2021 | Newsletter
Did you know that Dachshund means “little dog” in German and when the sausage that has become known as the “Hot Dog”,” the “Wiener”, the “Frankfurter” was invented, people thought of it as a long, thin sausage which looked like the Wiener dog. Thus, the name! Who...
by Benj | May 3, 2021 | Newsletter
Call Mercy Sells, our Big Game Specialist, to book 763-595-5950 Alaska Guided Caribou Hunts NO draw required Spike camps with high end equipment. Guide is 2nd generation, lifelong hunter. September 2021 dates available $7,500 + license (additional trophy add on...
by Benj | Apr 13, 2021 | Newsletter
Start planning your summer vacation. Let us do the work for you to book at the best of the best! Click here to email us Plan a Summer Vacation the Kids/Wife they will Never Forget Hunting, Shooting & Fishing with Wine and a Pool Contact Mercy Sell Adventure Pro...